Old blogs never die

Although in my case they sometimes disappear off line for years at a time. Still, I've republished the blogger archives of my old site- MBA Experience, at http://sbsmba.blogspot.com I'll put the rest of the site back as well sooner or later.

Another blog which has reached a close is Tony Rickey's excellent Three Years of Hell (to become the devil) . Since Tony claims I'm part of the inspiration for this I'm glad to see that he's got as much out of writing the blog as I did. I however, despite occasional thoughts of writing in the style of Hunter S Thompson (which I never managed) didn't come up with anything as stylish as Tony's take on the Screwtape letters.

I didn't manage the amount of inter-blog dialogue he did either, but that might be a sign of the times more than anything else.

Still Tony is done, and if you're wondering what a law degree is like you could do a lot worse than start here.

Oh dear...

Scepticism is mounting about the plot to bring down aeroplanes with binary explosives. I do hope we don't end up with another situation where mass arrests and mass publicity is followed by the quiet release of people against whom we have no proof, and who may well be innocent, or at the worst guilty of running off at the mouth to impress their friends.

While it's not surprising that Craig Murray thinks all may not be well with the arrests it's hardly comforting to see the Register weighing in with the suggestion that the plot was based on junk science.


If you're using Firefox this is cool.

If you're using IE YMMV

Martin's Appeal to test version 2.0

FieldSet Testing

And the conclusion is...?

Either this means the police have enough powers to protect us from this kind of thing or it means we need to be able to detain people for 90 days at a stretch with no charge and no lawyers.

Indeed once the dust has settled I'd like to know if at any point the investigators wished they'd had access to the kind of powers Blair suggested in the first draft of his anti-terror bill.

Chewie didn't get a medal?

That's what it says here. And that just doesn't seem right.

A chance to contribute

Can't say much about this yet, but our Mediterranean office is putting together some great stuff around the middle east crisis, and I get to be involved. Of course unless a ceasefire comes into effect soon focusing people's attention on ecology is going to be very difficult.

But if the bombs do stop falling we need to make sure the rebuilding is done in a way that's best for all involved.