Free the GE Two

Well, they haven't gone to jail yet, but it'd be terrible if they did. Two activists who did nothing more than expose the failure of Thailands government to enforce it's own laws are now facing the prospect of jail time, and a politically motivated prosecution.

Fortunately you can do something

DIY Xenophobia

It's a far cry from the work of Saatchi and Saatchi back in Thatchers glory days. The current Tory ad campaign is like some kind of sick black tar, coughed out of the lungs of middle england to hang dribbling on the pavement for the rest of us to step in.

Fortunately we can rewrite it ourselves thanks to this build your own Tory poster website.

Here's my effort. I like to think it distills the Tory campaign down to it's essence. Boils things right down to the nitty gritty so to speak.

Sadly I can't take credit for the copy. Click the image to see where I pilfered it from.

Craig Murray Could Win

I'm not sure he will, but just like Martin Bell in his white suit if he did, it would be a good thing. Not least because he'd be another blogging MP.

Read about what he's up to at

See the flames, higher and higher

Things at Ice Station Reindeer have taken a decided turn for the weird (again). The Finnish Loggers who are objecting to Greenpeace's presence through the bizarre 'anti-terror info centre' have been resorting to ever more bizarre intimidation tactics.

Burning crosses, air raid sirens and now the driving of a big, dangerous tree harvester through our camp. Elsewhere we've seen 'Greenpeace = Al Queda' signs and 'Fuck FSC' banners (FSC is a certification scheme for sustainably farmed wood - a friend of mine in the paper industry tells me there's massive demand for it and a global shortage. You'd think people would be scrambling to produce it...)

You can see the decidedly Blair Witch style movies we've recorded of all this here

and an account of what's been going on - with added photographs here

How things change

I swear, it's the labour party who've moved, not me

Who Should You Vote For?

Who should I vote for?

Your expected outcome:

Liberal Democrat

Your actual outcome:

Labour -6
Conservative -57
Liberal Democrat 83
UK Independence Party -22
Green 50

You should vote: Liberal Democrat

The LibDems take a strong stand against tax cuts and a strong one in favour of public services: they would make long-term residential care for the elderly free across the UK, and scrap university tuition fees. They are in favour of a ban on smoking in public places, but would relax laws on cannabis. They propose to change vehicle taxation to be based on usage rather than ownership.

Take the test at Who Should You Vote For

New Greenpeace Blog

The Arctic Seas tour has kicked off at work. They're working to ensure that the Norweigan Governments plan to introduce an integrated management plan for their coastal areas isn't watered down. Expect lots of community work and talking with local fishermen.

Read about it at The Arctic Seas Weblog

One place where we're finding it slightly harder to talk with the local fishermen is Ulsan in Korea, where our Come Back Whale's campaign is facing threats from the local Korean Fishermen.

Iraq Vox Pops

There's a broad selection of views on this page from the BBC. Worryingly though they all give the impression that if a strong-man were to come along and promise to crack down on terrorism, play the nationalist card and so on there'd be a real chance of a new dictatorship.

Maybe not, but if these interviews are representative then the new government of Iraq had better focus on delivering things quickly, before Iraqi's start to lose faith in their elected officials.

(Not?) Cricket

For reasons I can't be bothered to go into the idea that any game of cricket will inevitably be won by the side with the best character is one I rather like.

Hence this challenge to MPs ahead of the election rather appeals to me. Don't debate, don't talk policies, just show us how you play the game.

Only in England.